SQLDatabase.Net Syntax

SQL is considered a language which follow unique set of rules and guidelines called Syntax. Each complete set is usually called SQL statement. SQLDatabase.Net support limited ANSI standard 89 and 92.

All the SQL statements start with any of the keywords like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, CREATE and ends with a semicolon (;). By design SQL is case insensitive including system commands (SYSCMD). To enforce case insensitivity on all comparison including WHERE clause use COLLATION keyword with NOCASE option in the connection string, which will treat all characters equal regardless of being upper or lower case. Binary: A is *not* equals to a but in NoCase: A is equals to a.

SQL Syntax

  • The syntax of a language describes the language elements.
  • SQL statements are somewhat like simple English sentences.
  • Keywords include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, WHERE, ORDER BY, etc.
  • ANSI Standard SQL is the lingua franca for relational databases.

Four fundamental database operations are listed below, collectively these are referred to as CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete).

  1. Read the data  -  SELECT
  2. Insert new data  -  INSERT
  3. Update existing data  -  UPDATE
  4. Remove data  -  DELETE

System Objects like table or view names are stored in SYS_OBJECTS table. Auto Increment last number is stored in sys_sequences table. User objects can not start with sys.

String Concatination can be performed using two pipe signs (||) e.g. SELECT 'String1' || ',' || 'String2'; will produce String1,String2